Getting the Most from Your AeroPress
Coffee and Espresso Maker
You've just made
8 a double espresso.
Put two AeroPress
For American coffee,
top-off the mug with
hot water. For a latte,
top-off the mug with
hot milk.
4 scoops of fine-drip grind
Congratulations! As the owner of an
AeroPress coffee maker, you have in your
hands a simple device for making the best
coffee or espresso you’ve ever tasted.
It’s easy and fun.
coffee into the chamber.
Pour hot water slowly
For a quick start, watch a video on the
AeroPress product page of our web site,
5 into the chamber
up to the number 2.
Use 175oF (80oC)
water for the very
best taste.
Cleanup and Storage:
Remove the cap and
set it aside. Push the
plunger to eject the
Brewing a Double-Espresso, a 10 Ounce
Mug of American Coffee, or a Latte:
"puck" of spent grounds
into the trash (or save for
compost or plant food.)
Remove the
Mix the water and
6 coffee with the stirrer
plunger and
the cap from
the chamber.
for about 10 seconds.
Rinse and/or brush away any
grounds left on the rubber
seal. The seal has already
wiped your chamber clean,
so no further cleanup
Wet the rubber seal
7 and insert the plunger
Put a filter in
is needed.
2 the cap and
into the chamber.
twist it onto the
Gently press down about
a quarter of an inch and
maintain that pressure for
about 20 to 30 seconds
until the plunger bottoms
on the coffee. Gentle
pressure is the key to easy
Always eject the puck right after
brewing and store your AeroPress
with the plunger pushed all the way
through or completely removed.
Storing the seal uncompressed will
keep your seal air-tight for years.
Stand the chamber
on a sturdy mug.
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